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Specialized Training Programs for Law Enforcement


The Unified Tactical Response at Critical Events (UTRaCE) program specifically addresses the need for unified training of law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel to work cohesively during high threat incidents.  UTRaCE identifies incident priorities and addresses how law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel should work together to safely and effectively

achieve the goal of saving lives. This training is to assure a safe and

effective resolution and to reduce preventable deaths.


While the focus of our UTRaCE training program is the need for cross

functional and unified training, it is also important to note that the

program is fully customizable and can be tailored to any emergency

management unit's specific needs.


                                                              For law enforcement/police forces,

                                                              the training program focuses on the

                                                              UTRaCE principles, Tactical Emergency

                                                              Casualty Care (TECC) protocols, contact

                                                              team formations and deployment

                                                              tactics, hazard/threat recognition

                                                              and more.


                                                              CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US AND LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS

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